JoeCrescenzi.Com is the personal blog of Joe Crescenzi, the founder of CouponPages.Com, CouponMail.Com, and the Vovio Network family of blog sites like IdeaOfTheDay.Com.

Our Latest Posts About: Canon EOS 90D

My channel focuses on teaching people how to improve their YouTube Channel. I teach people how to make their Channel look and sound better, while also covering some thing like getting monetized and growing your audience.

This particular video compares two of my main cameras, the Canon EOS 90D vs the Panasonic Lumix G95. I'm using a 24mm f/2.6 lens on the Canon and a 14mm f/2.5 lens on the Lumix. Because the Lumix is a Micro Four Thirds system, the 14mm lens works out to about 28mm... and because the 90D has an APS-C crop sensor both lenses are pretty evenly matched, with the Lumix a bit wider.

I moved the Lumix slightly forward so they look basically the same. Both were shot at 30fps using a Shure SM7B and a Zoom F6 to record audio.

I'll be doing a head to head video shortly c... [More]

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